With specific Nutritional Programs adapted to the different plant development stages of each crop to guarantee maximum performance even under unfavorable growing conditions.

We offer innovative and sustainable nutritional solutions to modern agriculture by suggesting our best ideas to innovate and improve the efficiency of crops, while taking care to ensure that our innovations are environmental sustainability.

Our scientific and technical knowledge which have been subject to continuous growth and development through our R & D + i process allow us to locate and analyze problems to offer innovative and value-adding solution to crops.

Product Range



Premium Line of seaweed extracts fertilizers formulated to provide the highest quality product at each growth stage of the plant in which it is essential to better nutritional intake to ensure the viability of the crop.



Specifically formulated to activate the natural defense mechanisms of plants against the action of pathogenic organisms. The action of its components promotes a healthy development of plants under unfavorable conditions to improve its performance.



A range of high quality soil nutrition designed for the highest natural compatibility with the composition and structure of all kind of agricultural soils. Its unique formulation improves the physical, chemical and biological soil properties.



This range products are specially targeted to improve the nutrition of plants quickly and efficiently during periods of growing demand and to maintain a balanced nutrition at each growth and developmental stages.



Bio-stimulant product range with action on the metabolic processes related to increased crop yields.
Increase the tolerance of plants against adverse effects of biotic and abiotic stress.



Specific range of liquid fertilizers which promote and enhance plant resources at specific times for optimum crop development and increase in crop productivity.


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